Goldman Sach’s Secret Prediction

           During 2009, nearly every major financial firm was bullish on the market. Over the last several months we have started to see bank after bank and investment firm after investment firm predict a major global meltdown.  However, there are still major investment firms that are still bullish overall.  Or are they?  While Goldman Sachs has been portraying a positive outlook to the broader investing public, action taking place under the table suggests that they are not as transparent, open, or bullish as they say.  Recently Goldman Sachs released a 54-page document to their major institutional investors warning of an impending global meltdown.  This document was only released to their largest institutions and private investors.  However the Wall Street Journal managed to get a hold of a copy and has released some of the major information.  The report was compiled by Alan Brazil, a investment strategist for Goldman Sachs.  In the report Brazil specifically points to the European debt crisis as the ticking time bomb to set up a series of economic explosions.  The US debt crisis was also mentioned in the report.

           So why would Goldman Sachs not just come out publically with their view of the overall economy?  The answer is quite simple really.  Goldman Sachs is doing the same thing it has always done, publically propping up a particular investment in then investing against it privately.  If we look back at 2008, Goldman Sachs packaged and sold large amounts of mortgage-backed securities and at the same time were betting against those same securities.  Therefore they profited on both ends.  Interestingly enough, US Federal Housing Finance Agency is set to file suits against approximately a dozen major banks and financial institution amongst which are Goldman Sachs.  In the end, this report from Goldman Sachs should raise a huge red flag. 

Josh Renfro

President & Founder

Lone Star Bullion LLC

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